CLIENT CASE STUDY: How We’re Getting 4 Cent Clicks From Facebook Ads

You’ve probably heard about people who claim they are getting clicks from Facebook Ads for dirt cheap. And it’s true, but they’re usually targeting countries that no one else is targeting and that don’t convert to sales. Well, until recently…
How To Create A 2-Step Lead Generation Form For Your Website Using Lead Pages™ In this video you will learn how to use Lead Pages to create a 2-Step “LeadBox” for your website or blog, so you can generate email leads for your business.
CLIENT CASE STUDY: How Facebook’s Behavior Targeting Affected Customer Acquisition Cost

In this case study I walk you through two almost identical Facebook ad campaigns. In the first campaign I used Behavior Targeting. In the second campaign I did not. The results affected our customer acquisition costs dramatically. Have you noticed the same thing in your campaigns?
Power Editor: How To Create Unpublished Page Posts (AKA “Dark Posts”)

Several people have asked for “how to” trainings, so I decided to create a new tutorial showing you how to create Unpublished Page Posts using the Power Editor. This will allow you to test many different combinations of ads without cluttering your Fan Page.
Qwaya Demo Part 2: How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads Using Automation Rules

Test Drive Qwaya In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to optimize your Facebook Ad campaigns using Qwaya’s automation feature.
Qwaya Demo: How To Create Facebook Ads Like A Pro

Test Drive Qwaya Here’s how to create Facebook ads using a tool called Qwaya. This tool is a huge time saver! You can literally create and test hundreds of Facebook ads and ad sets in a fraction of the time you can using the Power Editor or the standard Facebook ads manager.
How To Use Facebook’s Audience Insights To Find Potential Customers

Facebook’s Audience Insight tool is a great resource for finding new interests to target with Facebook ads. This video shows you how to use it to find more potential leads and customers for your business.
[Client Case Study] How To Profit From Facebook’s “Lookalike Audiences”

This video walks you through a case study of a client who is successfully using Facebook’s “Lookalike audiences” to generate a positive ROI. You’ll see the entire campaign; including the targeting, the bidding and the ads.
How A Simple Tweak To Your Facebook Ads Saves You Money And Boosts Conversions

This video shows you how a simple tweak to your Facebook ads can save you money and boost your conversions.
See The Landing Page That Boosted My Facebook Retargeting Ad Sales By 210%

Who would’ve thought something as simple as changing the landing page of your Facebook retargeting ads could boost sales by 210%? Watch this video to see how how you can easily copy what I did to get more sales from your Facebook retargeting ads.